
The article is devoted to problematic issues of language training of future doctors and identifying the ways to overcome them. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of traditional pedagogical technologies of professional language training of future medical workers, and to review main problems of language perception, typical difficulties and directions for changing teaching methodology in order to improve learning outcomes and to ensure their high quality. During the research the following tasks were solved: teaching methods were described, the analysis of the newest pedagogical technologies was made, and recommendations on improving teaching methods for language disciplines in higher medical educational institution (HMEI) were given. The author has analyzed functions and features of teaching methodology for Latin and Ukrainian languages as disciplines of the social-humanitarian cycle of HMEI that provide the language competence formation of future professionals. The changes occurring in the public life of Ukraine determine the search for new approaches and requirements for the training of highly qualified specialists. The main task of medical educational institutions is to create conditions for the development of the student’s personality, his professional speech, as one of the main components of professional competencies of the future medical worker. The material of the article will provide an opportunity to improve the methodology and practice in teaching these courses. Latin language has a special function in medical sphere; its knowledge provides communication for specialists not only within the country but also internationally. It is concluded that, despite the loss of its basic communicative function, Latin still has a significant historical, cultural and educational significance. The role of Latin, Ukrainian and foreign (English) languages deserves to be studied in further research not only being a factor in the formation of a specialist, but also for an educated and multicultural personality.

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