
The common relationships among a great variety of biological phenomena seem enigmatic when considered solely at the level of the phenotype. The deep connections in physiology, for example, between the effects of maternal food restriction in utero and the subsequent incidence of metabolic syndrome in offspring, the effects of microgravity on cell polarity and reproduction in yeast, stress effects on jellyfish, and their endless longevity, or the relationship between nutrient abundance and the colonial form in slime molds, are not apparent by phenotypic observation. Yet all of these phenomena are ultimately determined by the Target of Rapamycin (TOR) gene and its associated signaling complexes. In the same manner, the unfolding of evolutionary physiology can be explained by a comparable application of the common principle of cell-cell signaling extending across complex developmental and phylogenetic traits. It is asserted that a critical set of physiologic and phenotypic adaptations emanated from a few crucial, ancestral receptor gene duplications that enabled the successful terrestrial transition of vertebrates from water to land. In combination, mTor and its cognate receptors and a few crucial genetic duplications provide a mechanistic common denominator across a diverse spectrum of biological responses. The proper understanding of their purpose yields a unified concept of physiology and its evolutionary development. © 2018 American Physiological Society. Compr Physiol 8:761-771, 2018.

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