
Unionicola (Coelaturicola) edwardsi n. sp. (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Unionicolidae) is described from freshwater mussels, Chambardia moutai (Dartevelle, 1939) (Unionoida: Iridinidae), from the Cunene River Basin, Provincia da Huila, Cape Longo, upper Onquenha River, Angola, Africa. The new species has unique and distinctive male genital field morphology. The species illustrates sexual dimorphism in the chaetotaxy of the first and fourth walking legs. It further extends our knowledge of host-specificity among the Unionicola. Also, new host and geographic records are reported for Unionicola (Mutelicola) blayi Gledhill and Vidrine, 2002, and U. (Coelaturicola) gledhilli Vidrine et al., 2007b.

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