
The most frequent endocrine Carney complex manifestation is a bilateral primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease and bilateral adrenalectomy (BA) is therefore its main treatment. In this study, a 40 years follow-up of six members of the same family with heterozygous PRKAR1A germline mutation, is reported over two generations. The first cases, two sisters with severe hyperandrogenism and Cushing syndrome (CS) diagnosed in 1972 at age 14 and 25, were successfully treated with unilateral adrenalectomy (UA). Their two brothers were then diagnosed, one with a CS-related severe osteoporosis treated with BA and the other with CS treated with UA. The second generation was diagnosed with CS signs at 7 and 21 years of age and were treated with BA and UA respectively. Out of the four patients treated with UA, the only event possibly related to CS was spontaneous episode of pulmonary embolism, 30 years after surgery. Hormonal evaluation revealed either eucortisolism in one patient or partial adrenal deficiency in two and mild hypercortisolism in one patient. For the two patients with BA, one of them accidentally died. The second one, surprisingly, recovered progressively normal cortisol secretion and circadian variation. Steroid substitution was stopped 6 years after her surgery and we demonstrated by iodocholesterol scintigraphy the presence of bilateral adrenal remnants. In conclusion, our results of long term evolution of PPNAD patients show that UA in this subset of patients could be considered to treat CS.

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