
Formulating an argument orally as part of a scientific process in the third cycle of primary school (8 to 11). What reformulations and connectives tell us about the specificities of interaction at school. Claudine GARCIA-DEBANC, Cerf and IUFM de Toulouse -INRP "Oral". The study is based on the analysis of an argumentative exchange at the beginning of a sériés of lessons in CM1 (9 year olds). Using individual procedures which are pooled together, the pupils are led to ask themselves questions about the relations between the digestive and circulatory systems and to com pare their different representations of these systems. After giving a summary of the constituent elements of a situation where an argument is formulated, the article situâtes the interaction in relation to the different types of argumentation which occur in the third cycle of primary school. An analysis of a short extract from the corpus deals successively with the status and role of disagreements within the argumentative process, reformulations and connectives within the same process. The analysis aims to create closer links between some specificites of oral interaction at school.

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