
The subject of this research is the works of Kazimir Malevich of the period 1913–1914. Despite numerous scientific works and articles dedicated to the works of K. Malevich, the period of his becoming requires clarification. The object of this research is the Russian avant-garde art of 1913 – 1914. The author dwells on the compositional principles in the painter’s works of this period. Special attention is given to the colorful shapes and geometric elements underlying the compositions of his paintings. Analysis is conducted on the the path of Kazimir Severinovich, the transition from Futurism and Cubo-Futurism through Fevralism to the original style – suprematism. The philosophical and art history analysis in combination with the general scientific methods of research allowed developing a representation on the transformation the artistic pursuits of Kazimir Malevich towards the dominant of the black geometric colorful shape, which subsequently led to the creation of the “Black Square” and the formation of suprematism. The article examines and compares the paintings of the period 1913–1914, when Malevich had moved from being a mentee to creating his own artistic language. The study of the paintings by Kazimir Malevich and determination of large group of works similar in the techniques and colors used allows broadening and complementing the knowledge on the period prior to suprematism.

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