
Abstract: Any space needs to be conceptualized by thorough study of environment, its surroundings and community needs. These spaces are planned to provide a distinct function but many spaces are created with no definite function and are used as a changeover between two spaces. These spaces are referred as ‘Transition Spaces ’and they generate a ‘Spatial prospect ’for many activities, rather than serving a specific function. In this changing time of urbanization, the skyline of the city is changing from traditional buildings to glittering glass and steel structures, overshadowing the existing fabric of the city. This change is sudden not gradual. One perceives the landmarks and left behind are the unrecognizable edges and nodes. These nodes and edges are spaces where people interact and intermingle and thus transition spaces are formed. These transition spaces play a vital role in environmental behavior. The idea of this study is to understand the essence of a space in which one experiences a shift. This shift is important because that is the area where most of the activities happen. Space, like man, needs an identity else it would be lost in time. It is necessary for us to be able to distinguish between the ideas of such places, else understanding the transitions would be difficult. ‘People and space depend on one another; they share each other their true colours. ’(Hertzberger, 2000)

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