Renewably generated synthetic fuels such as poly-oxymethylene ethers (OME) have a significant potential to effectively break the soot-NOX trade-off in compression ignition engines by using exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to maintain low nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions while maintaining good efficiency and simultaneously contributing to circular carbon economy. However, owing to the fundamental differences in properties of OME when compared to fossil-based diesel fuels, it is critical to fully understand its ignition and combustion phenomenology to take advantage of this fuel to its utmost potential. In this context, this work outlines the results of a systematic experimental study performed in a heavy-duty, single-cylinder, optical engine probing the spatial and temporal progression of fuel decomposition and ignition behavior of OME when compared to n-dodecane, a diesel-fuel surrogate. Thermodynamic analysis and optical diagnostics techniques including simultaneous HCHO-PLIF and OH-PLIF complemented by high-speed OH* chemiluminescence were employed along with parametric sweeps of intake temperature and EGR dilution rates. OME does not exhibit any observable low temperature heat release irrespective of the ambient oxygen concentration. Differences in the observed diffusive flame structure such as longer flame lift-off length, less pronounced combustion recession, faster premixed burn at ignition (“volumetric” ignition), non-sooting behavior suggest that the inherent presence of fuel-bound oxygen in OME can skew the air-fuel ratio (AFR) distribution within the jet thereby reducing the reliance of combustion on mixing and air entrainment. This leads to rapid late-cycle oxidation leading to shorter combustion duration and favorable combustion phasing. Results also suggest that OME exhibits relatively weak negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior, however, the OME fuel-decomposition kinetic-pathways produce significant concentration of HCHO, which might be erroneously interpreted as a product of cool-flames.
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