
In this study, Cognitive Semantics Analysis and Qualitative Method are employed to provide an in-depth investigation into the educational value of Indonesian proverbs. The study aims to scrutinize the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms underlying these sayings, which have been used for generations to transmit cultural knowledge and wisdom. Through rigorous qualitative analysis, the study uncovers the context-specific meanings encapsulated within these proverbs, highlighting the cultural, social, and cognitive dimensions that make them a valuable source of traditional wisdom. The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Indonesian language and culture by exploring the educational potential of proverbs. The findings show that (1) applying CSA to Indonesian proverbs has revealed that these linguistic expressions are complex interplays of metaphoric and metonymic mappings to represent the pedagogical propositions and (2) Indonesian proverbs have been found to contain intricate nuances, cultural contexts, and societal values concerning the pedagogical propositions. The findings of this study can also serve as a valuable resource for educators and curriculum developers, who can integrate these proverbs into their teaching materials to maximize their academic potential for future generations. By incorporating sayings into educational curricula, students can gain a deeper understanding of cultural values and beliefs, as well as improve their linguistic and cognitive abilities. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on the educational value of proverbs, particularly in the Indonesian context. The study findings can be used to enhance the teaching and learning of the Indonesian language and culture and can serve as a basis for future study on the topic.

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