
The single‐photon blockade effect arising in a cavity containing a quantum well and interacting with squeezed light, resulting from a down‐conversion process through a nonlinear medium, is investigated. Optical parametric oscillator (OPO) materials with positive and negative second‐order susceptibilities are considered. By solving the master equation analytically in the weak‐driving limit and calculating the second‐order equal‐time correlation function, it is found that strong photon antibunching can be achieved in this system with weak excitonic nonlinearity or squeezed light via a destructive quantum interference mechanism. The optimal conditions for the photon blockade are derived analytically and discussed in details. Unlike the excitonic nonlinearity, a strong photon blockade occurs with the squeezed light at total or quasitotal resonance, even in the weak coupling regime, using an OPO material with negative second‐order nonlinear susceptibility. By acting on the driving coherent pump frequency, the control of the cavity output is achieved and the scheme can serve as a tunable single‐photon emission source.

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