
A constructivist and cognitivist teaching model for technical training , Isabelle Nizet Robert Brien Louis-Philippe Leclerc Jacques Besançon The identification of the difficulties caracteristic of an agrotechnics teaching situation in secondary education has guided us in elaborating a model which it is hoped will meet them. The model stems from theoretical options developed from cognitive psychology and constructivism. It specifies the three components of teaching situations. The learning component promotes the cognitive structure of the students, while respecting their pre-instructional knowledge. The didactic component helps them to integrate technoscientific concepts with professionel tasks, and prescribes the drawing of technoscientific diagrams, built up from a conceptual model. The teaching component consists of a set of pedagogical procedures organized in a strategy and aimed at sharing with the class the process of learning : evocation, confrontation, investigation, structuration, integration, verification, activation. We have implanted this strategy in an agrotechnical course on the protection of crops. Its evaluation has been founded on systematic observation, and the measurement of students’progress. The results show an apprenticeship of increasingly complex cognitive skills, which integrate the declarative and procedural dimensions belonging specifically to the profession in question.

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