
Aims: This paper compares two similar studies, run on a sample of Spanish hotel establishments in two different years, 2003 and 2017. The objective was to observe how the two most frequently used information system technologies for companies have evolved over this period: enterprise resource planning (ERP) and E-business systems. Methodology: To run the study, the ERP/E-business matrix model (Norris, Hurley, Hartley, Dunleavy and Balls, 2001) was adopted as a methodology, setting up a number of different scenarios to explain the transformations that take place in companies when they apply these technologies at different stages of development. Results: This process was oriented towards developing the two computer systems, prioritizing e-business over ERP and using vertical solutions. Constraints: The study was run on a discrete sample of Spanish hotels and hotel chains. Practical implications: The constructs used are limited by the instrument and metrics implemented by the company under study for evaluating the quality of customer interaction when a customer reaches a customer service’s call center. Practical implications: ICT has become a key factor for the hotel sector, and people who manage the virtualisation of business need to have a business vision aligned with ICT, with continuous improvement in their systems

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