
A new scenario has emerged in this year of 2020 in education worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to outline this historic moment. Thus, this article meets the need to address Brazilian education in times of pandemic. The pandemic of the new coronavirus, Covid-19, made the reality of regular and vocational schools across Brazil a new teaching format, since face-to-face teaching was interrupted. In order to prevent the spread of the virus on an even greater scale than Brazil was, measures such as the suspension of face-to-face classes were taken in March 2020, seeking to reduce the spread of the new virus. Such a measure of suspension of face-to-face classes in public and private basic education networks in Brazil, established a new framework never experienced before: it was necessary to establish remote education and thus continue the school year in question. According to the World Bank report, more than 1.5 billion students were left without face-to-face studies in 160 countries. With this context, states and municipalities had to seek emergency exits to continue school activities. The solution found for the continuity of teaching, was with the help of remote teaching supports and the introduction of new methodologies, supported by digital technologies, because, from one hour to the next, the face-to-face classes were replaced for the distance learning modality (EAD), forcing teachers and students to quickly learn new communication and information technologies (ICTs).

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