
The monitoring of this morbidity brings with it the need at public health level to emphasize regular monitoring through prenatal care, aiming at early diagnosis and treatment for Obstetric Diabetes (OD) or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), thus being able to reduce complications for the mother and fetus binomial. The aim of this study is to analyze these results among fetal or neonatal complications in women with GDM, bringing in the outcomes of premature birth, birth weight, neonatal morbidity and mortality, and the synergistic effect of concomitant risk factors and poor obstetric outcomes. A literature review was carried out using the following databases: Online Medical Literature Search and Analysis System (MEDLINE/PUBMED), Nursing Database - Brazilian Bibliography (BDENF), Web of Science and Cochrane Library (SCOPUS), CAPES Journals and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS). The search was carried out using descriptors combined with the Boolean operator “and”. From the searches, it was possible to see that the authors corroborate each other in relation to the main neonatal outcomes: Complications include fetal macrosomia, birth injuries, increased caesarean section rates, neonatal hospitalizations, neonatal hypoglycemia, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), prematurity and fetal death. It can be concluded that for the mother the impacts, such as the risk of urinary system infections, are high, as well as bleeding in the postpartum period and tearing of the vaginal canal. For the child, hypoglycemia, prematurity and fetal macrosomia are some of the complications resulting from diabetes.

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