
The ultrastructural features of fertilization and sporogony of Eimeria iroquoina are described from the intestinal epithelium of experimentally infected fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Intact microgametes were observed in the cytoplasm of macrogametes. Within immature macrogametes the microgamete was segregated from the cytoplasm of the former by the plasma membrane of each cell plus additional membranes. Within mature macrogametes, only the plasma membranes separated the gametes. Fertilization by fusion of the limiting membrane of both gametes occurred after the entire microgamete lay within the cytoplasm of the macrogamete. The cytoplasm of the zygote cleaved into sporoblasts within cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum. The sporocystic wall was composed of an outer electron-lucent layer and an inner, thicker layer with periodic striations at right angles to the surface of the sporocyst. The sporocysts were bivalved and joined by a continuous suture. The sporozoites were morphologically similar to sporozoites and merozoites of other Coccidia. Due to the structure of the sporocyst, Eimeria iroquoina Molnar and Fernando, 1974 is amended to Goussia iroquoina (Molnar and Fernando, 1974).

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