
Mineral exploration of the Widgiemooltha-Norseman region of Western Australia has located massive and disseminated nickel sulphide mineralisation. This paper discusses the geological setting of the nickel sulphide mineralisation with reference to the stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism of the ultramafic sequence and spatially associated rocks. The amphibolite facies metamorphosed ultramafic rocks of the Widgiemooltha area are compared with greenschist metamorphosed ultramafic rocks at Eundynie, which exhibit excellently preserved pseudomorphs of primary igneous textures. Some 2000 ultramafic rock samples were analysed for 13 element/oxides and divided into four major mineralogically and texturally distinct groups. The data were analysed statistically by determination of means and standard deviations and multiple regression analyses. The data suggest differentiation of a magma at depth followed by a vast outpouring of lava to produce picritic-peridotitic rocks. The flows crystallised with upper spinifex zones and lower euhedral-olivine zones in varying proportions dependent on magma composition. The development of spinifex texture is compositionally controlled. This texture is not developed in rocks with MgO contents greater than 26% (± 2%). The comparison of the ultramafics of the Widgiemooltha and Eundynie areas indicates that talc-carbonate formation and serpentinization have modified primary igneous textures and geochemistries, resulting in the production of a diverse group of rock types. Such post-magmatic alteration processes in association with structural elements are considered important in the upgrading of nickel sulphide mineralisation.

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