
A novel characterization method to measure the pulse duration of ultrafast near-IR pulses is introduced, which uses simple tabletop optics, is relatively inexpensive, and is expected to work in a broad wavelength range. Our diagnostic tool quantitatively characterizes the laser pulse duration of any near-IR wavelength assuming a Gaussian pulse shape with a linear chirp. We negatively prechirp near-IR pulses with a home-built broadband pulse compressor (BPC) and send this prechirped beam through a cell filled with a low-molar solution of a fluorescent dye in a liquid. After two-photon absorption, this dye fluoresces in the visible, and we record this visible signal as a function of the propagation distance in the liquid cell. We calibrate the group velocity dispersion (GVD) of our home-built BPC device against the known GVD of the compressor of our 800nm laser and confirm this value using geometric considerations. Now knowing the GVD of BPC and the recorded visible signal for various amounts of negative chirp, let us extract the smallest pulse duration of the near-IR pulse from this visible signal. As a useful corollary, our analysis also enables the direct measurement of the GVD for liquids and the indirect measurement of the absorption coefficient for liquids in the near-IR range, in contrast to indirect GVD measurements that rely on methods such as the double derivative of the refractive index.

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