
Original proposal objectives: Our main original goal was to develop ultra-fast methods and instrumentation for the analysis of hazardous chemicals in the food supply. We proposed to extend the QuEChERS approach to veterinary drugs and other contaminants, and conduct fast and ultra-fast analyses using novel 5MB-MS instrumentation, ideally with real samples. Background to the topic: The international trade of agricultural food products is a $1.2 trill ion annual market and growing. Food safety is essential to human health, and chemical residue limits are legislated nationally and internationally. Analytical testing for residues is needed to conduct risk assessments and regulatory enforcement actions to ensure food safety and environmental health, among other important needs. Current monitoring methods are better than ever, but they are still too time-consuming, laborious, and expensive to meet the broad food testing needs of consumers, government, and industry. As a result, costs are high and only a tiny fraction of the food is tested for a limited number of contaminants. We need affordable, ultra-fast methods that attain high quality results for a wide range of chemicals. Major conclusions, solutions and achievements: This is the third BARD grant shared between Prof. Amirav and Dr. Lehotay since 2000, and continual analytical improvements have been made in terms of speed, sample throughput, chemical scope, ease-of-use, and quality of results with respect to qualitative (screening and identification) and quantitative factors. The QuEChERS sample preparation approach, which was developed in conjunction with the BARD grant in 2002, has grown to currently become the most common pesticide residue method in the world. BARD funding has been instrumental to help Dr. Lehotay make refinements and expand QuEChERS concepts to additional applications, which has led to the commercialization of QuEChERS products by more than 20 companies worldwide. During the past 3 years, QuEChERS has been applied to multiclass, multiresidue analysis of veterinary drug residues in food animals, and it has been validated and implemented by USDA-FSIS. QuEChERS was also modified and validated for faster, easier, and better analysis of traditional and emerging environmental contaminants in food. Meanwhile, Prof. Amirav has commercialized the GC-MS with 5MB technology and other independent inventions, including the ChromatoProbe with Agilent, Bruker, and FUR Systems. A new method was developed for obtaining truly universal pesticide analysis, based on the use of GC-MS with 5MB. This method and instrument enables faster analysis with lower LaDs for extended range of pesticides and hazardous compounds. A new approach and device of Open Probe Fast GC-MS with 5MB was also developed that enable real time screening of limited number of target pesticides. Implications, both scientific and agricultural: We succeeded in achieving significant improvements in the analysis of hazardous chemicals in the food supply, from easy sample preparation approaches, through sample analysis by advanced new types of GC-MS and LCMS techniques, all the way to improved data analysis by lowering LaD and providing greater confidence in chemical identification. As a result, the combination of the QuEChERS approach, new and superior instrumentation, and the novel monitoring methods that were developed will enable vastly reduced time and cost of analysis, increased analytical scope. and a higher monitoring rate. This provides better enforcement, an added impetus for farmers to use good agricultural practices, improved food safety and security, increased trade. and greater consumer confidence in the food supply.

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