
The thumb ulnar pulp is a critical component of key pinch and precision manipulation. Injuries to this area should be reconstructed with robust, sensate tissue that restores bulk and contour. The existing reconstructive options, however, have substantial risks and drawbacks. We describe an anterograde homodigital neurovascular island flap that provides both sensate and durable coverage of the ulnar thumb pulp. The flap uses innervated glabrous tissue, limits donor site morbidity to the thumb and first web space, and does not require microvascular anastomoses or nerve coaptation. The flap has been previously described for nonthumb fingertip injuries, but it has not been applied to the thumb. We discuss several important technical modifications that are essential to raising and insetting this flap in the thumb, review potential pitfalls, and highlight key steps to ensuring judicious intraoperative decision making and success.

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