
Ulama occupy a strategic position in Jambi social landscape. Alumni of religious schools and public schools strive to appear as ulama. On the other hand, social problems are increasingly complex. This paper aims to examine the Islamic scholarly indicators in the social context of the Jambi Malay community, to explore actualization and circulation of the ulama, and the factors that cause their lack of role. Data collected through a questionnaire by grouping respondents into Old Ulama and Young Ulama. Observations and interviews were also conducted regarding the relationship between two groups in two institutions, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Jambi City and State Islamic Institute of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is now a university. The study found that both young and old ulama were united in their views of the importance of charismatic as main indicator of an ulama, but had different views on the role of ulama in contemporary social problems in Jambi. The Older stated that ulama still played a significant role, while the majority of young informants stated that the role of ulama was getting weaker and narrower only in Ulama Council (MUI). The study also found that the weakening of the ulama was caused by: first, the old ulama and their organizations were increasingly less independent and financially dependent on the government. Second, the charismatic ulema who are tawadu' are fading away and there is competition for influence among the old ulama. Third, ulama are divided by mass religious organizations. The researcher proposes replanting or a serious effort to "replant" ulama, especially with Sufi character, tawadu' or unpretentious attitude and charismatic. Young scholars who are cadres of mass media and have educational institutions are not sufficient to create charismatic scholars.

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