
This article delves into the complex international relations between Ukraine and Poland amidst the backdrop of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Focused on military, financial, and humanitarian aspects, the study examines the extent of support provided by various nations, emphasizing the role of Poland as an early and significant contributor. Utilizing extensive data, the article reveals the magnitude of financial aid, with the United States and Germany leading the contributions. Additionally, it explores non-refundable aid, highlighting the diverse sources and amounts. The authors scrutinize military, financial, and humanitarian commitments, shedding light on the substantial assistance directed towards priority state budget expenditures. Despite challenges, Poland's multifaceted support, including the provision of residential modules and social benefits for displaced Ukrainians, underscores the depth of collaboration. However, the article acknowledges hurdles in fostering transparent diplomatic relations, citing the influence of political elites and speculative discourse surrounding the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The study concludes with a snapshot of the refugee situation, emphasizing Poland's significant role in providing legal recognition and social assistance to over 1,7 million Ukrainian citizens. Overall, the analysis paints a nuanced picture of the evolving dynamics between Ukraine and Poland during this critical period. Keywords: military situation, Ukrainian-Polish relations, financial support, cooperation

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