
Since November 2016, the new Regulatory Guideline NP 306.2.208-2016 “Requirements for Seismic Resistance Design and for Evaluation of Seismic Safety of Ukrainian NPPs” [1] has been in force in Ukraine. This Guideline was developed to improve requirements for NPP site seismic hazard assessment, NPP seismic resistance design and assessment/review of Ukrainian NPP seismic safety.
 Energoatom developed the Organizational and Technical Measures for Implementation of NP 306.2.208-2016 [2] approved by State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine to perform NP 306.2.208-2016 [1] requirements.
 The paper considers the status of Energoatom in implementation of the main organizational and technical measures [2] on increasing seismic resistance of Ukrainian NPP units according to NP 306.2.208-2016 [1]. In particular, these measures are the following: specification of NPP site seismicity considering results of new studies; introduction of changes into classification (seismic categorization) of systems and components; analysis of necessity to consider additional load combinations with seismic loads, specification of assessing seismic resistance of structures, systems and components; seismic probabilistic safety assessment of NPP units.

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