Meatball is one of meals liked by many people, from kids, teenagers, to adults. However, in meatball making process, there are still some sellers who add borax into the dough which is actually very dangerous to people health. This research aimed to detect borax in some meatball samples using curcumin compound. The samples were collected from Muara Bangkahulu sub-district, Bengkulu city, using purposive sampling method. Samples preparation was conducted in Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) KESMAVET laboratory using curcumin solution 0.5% and the samples were examined after method validation. From 20 samples examined, 5 samples were positive containing borax. In sample M210111, the borax concentration was between 1% ?x?5% or 1?x?5 g/100 ml, meanwhile samples M210103, M210112, M210114 contained borax in range 0.5%?x?1% or 0.5?x?1 g/100 m. The samples prevalence value was 18.51% and the samples incidence value was 25%.
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