
Antibacterial activity test and screening of phytochemical of extract hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol have been carried out. The extraction of the P.pellucida plants was carried out by the maceration method in stages based on the polarity of the solvent. Analysis of chemical compounds done with phytochemical screening test. Based on the identification of chemical compounds by phytochemical screening, hexane and ethyl acetate extract has been detected only in the presence of flavonoid compounds with moderate categories. Methanol extract contains high-grade alkaloids and moderate flavonoid and tannin compounds. Antibacterial test using disffusion methods suggest that ethyl acetate and methanol extract have categorically strong antibacterial activity againts the S. aureus of 14 mm and 16 mm respectively. Hexane extract and acetate ethyl have a strong inhibition to E. coli of 11 mm and 12 mm respectively. Methanol extract has a weak inhibition to bacteria E. coli and a hexane extract has a weak inhibition to bacteria S. aureus.


  • Antibacterial activity test and screening of phytochemical of extract hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol have been carried out

  • by the maceration method in stages based on the polarity of the solvent

  • Analysis of chemical compounds done with phytochemical screening test

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Alat dan Bahan

Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Erlenmeyer, timbangan analitik, seperangkat alat rotary Evaporator, botol, pipet volume, pipet tetes,mikropipet, alat ose, autoklaf, bunsen, seperangkat alatalat gelas ( tabung reaksi, gelas ukur 250 mL, gelas piala 500 mL dan 100 mL), corong, stirrer, hotplate, batang pengaduk, sudip, cawan petri dan thermometer. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah :Tumbuhan suruhan, aquadest, methanol 70%, n-heksana, etil asetat, HCL pekat, H2SO4 pekat, NaOH 1 M, H2SO4 2 N, pereaksi Mayer (HgCl2 dan KI), pereaksi Wagner (I2 dan KI), perekasi Lieberman Burchard ( asam asetat anhidrat dan H2SO4 pekat), NaCl 10%, FeCl3 1%, pereaksi Dragondorff (bismuth nitrat), pereaksi Hager, NA (agar-agar, ekstrak beef, pepton, NaCl), NB (pepton, ekstrak beef), strain murni E. coli dan S. aureus, dan kertas saring

Preparasi Sampel
Pembuatan Ekstrak
Uji Fitokimia
Pembuatan Biakan
Pembuatan Media
Analisis Data
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri
Staphylococcus aureus
Daftar Pustaka
Full Text
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