
Technological University. Technical Sciences. – 2018. – Issue 2 (82). – P. 21–24: ill. 2. – Refs.: 9 titles.The article studies the rational approach to the organization of provision of spare parts of freight of region motor transport enterprises. Increasing the reliability of the operation of cargo vehicles, which perform international transportation over long distances, is complicated by the use of regional motor transport enterprises rolling stock production countries of the European Union. Most of these cars have been used for several years. Their purchase is by chance a casual event. Restoration of efficiency of these vehicles, after a sudden refusal during long-distance traffic on an international route, is a difficult event, which causes significant violations of the value and timing of cargo delivery and time of repair. The development of transport production can be made stable if timely investment of funds for the planned acquisition by the company of cars with rational technical characteristics is possible. In different conditions, internal funds of motor transport enterprises or external resources, as well as leasing, are used. Lack of investment leads to degradation of the enterprise, and the accidental updating of the motor transport enterprises rolling stock scenario does not include the mechanism for timely receipt of the required number and range of spare parts in the motor transport enterprises. It is proposed to significantly reduce the negative consequences caused by sudden failures of the enterprises of motor transport, due to the implementation of pre-emptive technical impacts before long distances, which in turn is impossible without the use of modern intellectual approaches to the provision of spare parts. Such approaches will allow to follow the logistic concept of minimization of spare parts reserves with the provision of a given level of reliability indicators.

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