
The hypothesis of the article is that the Russian Federation has developed a praxis in terms of territorial conquests, based on historical reminiscences, and it will not be renounced, especially in the case of Ukraine. By immersing in history, without making it a determinant of the present and without showing psittacism, we believe that the assertiveness of the Russian Federation in its proximity can be justified only from its point of view. The brutal and completely illegal intervention in Ukraine is an example of reality violation. The end of communism and the dissolution of the USSR have generated resentment among the Russians, which denotes capitulation. The Russians have probably rejoiced for a while over the end of totalitarianism, but they have constantly regretted the loss of the empire. The “Russian world” is, in fact, nothing but a form of virtual restoration of the Soviet empire, a trap of the past, in the souls and minds of the Russians, a ferment whose purpose is the internal destruction of the states that emerged after the collapse of the USSR, preventing them, by injecting feelings of confusion and nostalgia, to overcome the post-Soviet stage.

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