
The article presents the problem of the split of the "Russian World" as a consequence of the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Russian Russian historiography is analyzed by the author, comparing the opinions of experts on the civilizational criterion in the modern history of the Russian people and the "Russian world" in order to create a generalized definition of the concept of "Russian World". The so-called "Putin Doctrine" is considered separately, understood as a set of state measures to consolidate the post-Soviet space on the principles of common security and common interests. The problem of the ongoing split of the "Russian World" due to the Ukrainian crisis is also analyzed. In his work, using historical-systemic and historical-synergetic methods, the author, based on the opinions of specialists from different branches of science, comes to a theoretical result regarding the topic under study. In the modern historiography of the issue, there is still no consensus on the final definition, which indicates the interdisciplinary complexity of the concept. But this especially testifies to the high relevance of the definition of the concept of "Russian World" for the formation of the national security strategy of Russia. The article analyzes the sources of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, the Center for Military and Political Studies of the MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Izborsky Club, and the Center for Global Interests (Washington, USA). The historiography of the works of doctors of Historical Sciences of Russia Nikonov V.A., Podberezkin A.I., Komarov G.A., Harvard University political scientist Huntington S.F., philosophers Shchedrovitsky P.G., Averyanov V.V. is also analyzed.Russian Russian World In the course of the study, the author presented a generalized definition of the concept of the "Russian World" and the problem of the split of the "Russian World" in the context of modern historical approaches.

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