
The work on creating an iodine-containing preparation for transdermal use was completed, and its physicochemical properties, stability during long-term storage, local irritant effect, exfoliating ability, harmlessness for the body, therapeutic effectiveness for mastitis and udder diseases in cows were studied. The drug of the new generation – uberdermin- results from the interaction of polyiodbismuthsulfamide (PIVS) and dimethyl sulfoxide in a ratio of 10: 1. It is a pasty product of orange color, with a slight garlic smell and a bitter, astringent taste. The study of the physical stability of uberdermin lasted 12 months; he did not reveal significant changes in the controlled indicators (color, smell, taste, consistency, homogeneity, impurities). Cutaneous applications of uberdermin did not reveal an irritating effect of the drug on the glandular tissue of the udder of cows; this is confirmed by counting the number of somatic cells in milk and lysozyme titer. Skin resorptive capacity of uberdermin, visual control of the speed of its discoloration after an application was completed 2.3 times faster compared to PIVS. Control of the translocation of active components of uberdermin in the parenchyma of the mammary gland of lactating cows was based on changes in the concentration of molecular iodine in milk after applying the drug to the skin. of the udder. As it turned out, already 6 hours after its application in a therapeutic dose, the concentration of iodine in milk increased almost twice. Uberdermin showed relatively high antibacterial activity against all tested strains, but the advantages over PIVS are not obvious. Treatment of dry cows with purulent catarrhal mastitis by uberdermin ensured 100% recovery, and 2–3 applications of the drug were needed for the course of treatment; it is two times less than the pre-dry period. Research studies on using uberdermin for udder diseases (frostbite of the tips, bruises, wounds, skin cracks) indicate the prospects of thorough research in this direction.

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