
U–Pb geochronology for eclogites in two different areas of the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC) in Sweden confirms previous indications of discrete Ordovician high-pressure events affecting various parts of the complex. In Norrbotten, just north of the Arctic circle, eclogites from the Tsakkok and Vaimok Lenses yield identical metamorphic zircon ages of 482 ± 1 Ma. Titanite in a metagabbro from the Vaimok Lens retains an older age of 607 ± 2 Ma, which may date a protolith coeval with mafic dikes in the overlying Sarek Lens; high-U zircon cores in one of the eclogites also indicate a similar age. Farther south, in Jamtland, the Tjeliken eclogite yields a significantly younger metamorphic age of 446 ± 1 Ma. Although they support the age discrepancy between the Norrbotten and Jamtland eclogites, the U–Pb ages of both eclogite suites are ca. 20 m.y. younger than previously reported Sm–Nd ages. The latter may either represent early prograde growth or be spuriously too old due to isotopic disequilibrium. The SNC has traditionally been taken to represent the outermost margin of Baltica, linking the Early Caledonian eclogite–forming events to subduction of Baltica below an offshore arc. Alternatively, the coincidence of these eclogite-forming events with orogenic phases recorded on the Laurentian margin may point to an origin from other regions of the Iapetus Ocean.

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