
1 ABSTRACT The characterization of livestock systems enables to identify the diversity of livestock farms in order to define development actions. The aim of this study is to characterize the different farming practices observed in the Red Maradi goat farms located in the North East of Benin. Data collection took place between August and December 2019, in 90 goat farms with at least one breeding nucleus of the Red Maradi breed. Using the Multiple Correspondence Factor Analysis (AFCM) and Ascending Hierarchical Classification (CAH) methods, a typology of Red Maradi goat farms in the region was developed. Thus, four types of breeding of Red Maradi goats were identified. Agro-pastoralists, traders (27.59%) and craftsmen (17.24%) mostly from the Bariba socio-cultural ethnic group (38.72%) characterize wandering peasant farms (type 1). They are responsible for herds of modest numbers (15 ± 8 heads) made up by purchase. The mode of rearing goat straying is practiced in 93.1% of these farms against 6.9% of semi-straying. The animals hardly have a sheepfold. The farms (type 2), semi-scavenging peasant herds, are mainly characterized by breeders and agro-breeders of the Fulani and Gando socio-cultural ethnic group (56%). They are responsible for small herds (16 ± 8 heads) and practice the seasonal straying of goats (88%). The animals are housed on these farms (58.07%) in a basic sheepfold and receive crop residues as a supplement. The breeders of type 3, semi-improved peasant breeding are from a very diverse socio-cultural ethnic group Dendi (23%), Yorouba (19%), Fon (11.5%), Bariba (12.5%) with a relatively higher level of education. Over 75% of type breeders have reached secondary level. They combine their main activity, public service, commerce and crafts, the breeding of goats with herds of relatively larger size (20 ± 15 heads). The animals are housed in more improved sheepfolds built in roughcast or hard earth and in 75% of these farms receive food and water in the pen. Type 4, semi-intensive dairy farming of Red Maradi goats, brings together farm farms producing and upgrading goat's milk. Fon (51.25%) and Bariba (48.75%) mostly own these farms. They are responsible for larger herds (57 ± 7 heads) so 35% is made up of the Red Maradi goat and the rest of the Saanen breed. The animals have a permanent sheepfold and, in addition to the basic ration consisting of fodder, a production supplement consisting of concentrate.

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