
This study entitled types of derivational affixes found in BBC News articles. The data in this study are the intricate words found in some of the BBC News articles. The purpose of this study is to concentrate on exploring the types of the derivational affixes from the data found in some of the BBC News articles. This study used qualitative and observation methods to analyze the data. The data in this study were identified using the main theory offered by Katamba (1993) and supporting theory by Carstairs and McCarthy (2002) proposed to solve the topic presented in this study. The result of this study is that 100 data can be found from BBC News articles that containing derivational affixes. In this research, prefixes and suffixes are the two forms of derivational affixes. This study found 7 types of prefixes with the value of 12% such as re-, al-, en-, un-, im-, ir-, dis-. Therefore, there are 17 types of suffixes that found in the data source with the value of 88% such as -ous, -ment, -ly, -tion, -al, -en, -able, -ness, -y, -ence, -er, -ful, -less, -ity, -ship, -ive, and -ation.

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