
Adversarial attacks are more prevalent in Consumer Internet of Things (CIoT) devices (i.e., smart home devices, cameras, actuators, sensors, and micro-controllers) because of their growing integration into daily activities, which brings attention to their possible shortcomings and usefulness. Keeping protection in the CIoT and countering emerging risks require constant updates and monitoring of these devices. Machine learning (ML), in combination with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), has become an essential component of the CIoT ecosystem due to its rapid advancement and impressive results across several application domains for attack detection, prevention, mitigation, and providing explanations of such decisions. These attacks exploit and steal sensitive data, disrupt the devices’ functionality, or gain unauthorized access to connected networks. This research generates a novel dataset by injecting adversarial attacks into the CICIoT2023 dataset. It presents an adversarial attack detection approach named TXAI-ADV that utilizes deep learning (Mutli-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Deep Neural Network (DNN)) and machine learning classifiers (K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support Vector Classifier (SVC), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), ensemble voting, and Meta Classifier) to detect attacks and avert such situations rapidly in a CIoT. This study utilized Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) techniques, an XAI technique, to analyze the average impact of each class feature on the proposed models and select optimal features for the adversarial attacks dataset. The results revealed that, with a 96% accuracy rate, the proposed approach effectively detects adversarial attacks in a CIoT.

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