
Adversarial audio attacks can be considered as a small perturbation unperceptive to human ears that is intentionally added to an audio signal and causes a machine learning model to make mistakes. This poses a security concern about the safety of machine learning models since the adversarial attacks can fool such models toward the wrong predictions. In this paper we first review some strong adversarial attacks that may affect both audio signals and their 2D representations and evaluate the resiliency of deep learning models and support vector machines (SVM) trained on 2D audio representations such as short time Fourier transform, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and cross recurrent plot against several state-of-the-art adversarial attacks. Next, we propose a novel approach based on pre-processed DWT representation of audio signals and SVM to secure audio systems against adversarial attacks. The proposed architecture has several preprocessing modules for generating and enhancing spectrograms including dimension reduction and smoothing. We extract features from small patches of the spectrograms using the speeded up robust feature (SURF) algorithm which are further used to transform into cluster distance distribution using the K-Means++ algorithm. Finally, SURF-generated vectors are encoded by this codebook and the resulting codewords are used for training a SVM. All these steps yield to a novel approach for audio classification that provides a good tradeoff between accuracy and resilience. Experimental results on three environmental sound datasets show the competitive performance of the proposed approach compared to the deep neural networks both in terms of accuracy and robustness against strong adversarial attacks.

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