
Progress in the development of nanometer scaled Fin Field Effect Transistor (FinFET) devices is affected by a lack of understanding of relevant dopant diffusion phenomena due to limited experimental data. In particular, 2D dopant potential mapping by electron holography in 3D FinFET devices has been challenged by the overlap of electrically active fins, metal films, and dielectric films in the electron beam direction. This paper presents methodology on how to map dopant potential in modern FinFET devices. A custom-device structure was developed, which preserved all essential features of the device manufacturing process. The dopant reconstruction method is suggested to account for the presence of materials other than silicon fin between fins. A comparison of lateral dopant potential profiles with device simulations offers agreement within 0.32 V. Compositional non-uniformity of materials between fin devices is identified as the main limiting factor. A further reduction of compositional non-uniformity should allow for quantitative 2D dopant potential mapping with high sensitivity to probe the effects of dopant segregation, deactivation, and diffusion kinetics in 3D FinFET devices at the nanometer scale.

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