
We study two-valued local sets, $\mathbb{A} _{-a,b}$, of the two-dimensional continuum Gaussian free field (GFF) with zero boundary condition in simply connected domains. Intuitively, $\mathbb{A} _{-a,b}$ is the (random) set of points connected to the boundary by a path on which the values of the GFF remain in $[-a,b]$. For specific choices of the parameters $a, b$ the two-valued sets have the law of the CLE$_4$ carpet, the law of the union of level lines between all pairs of boundary points, or, conjecturally, the law of the interfaces of the scaling limit of XOR-Ising model. Two-valued sets are the closure of the union of countably many SLE$_4$ type of loops, where each loop comes with a label equal to either $-a$ or $b$. One of the main results of this paper describes the connectivity properties of these loops. Roughly, we show that all the loops are disjoint if $a+b \geq 4\lambda $, and that their intersection graph is connected if $a + b < 4\lambda $. This also allows us to study the labels (the heights) of the loops. We prove that the labels of the loops are a function of the set $\mathbb{A} _{-a,b}$ if and only if $a\neq b$ and $2\lambda \leq a+b < 4\lambda $ and that the labels are independent given the set if and only if $a = b = 2\lambda $. We also show that the threshold for the level-set percolation in the 2D continuum GFF is $-2\lambda $. Finally, we discuss the coupling of the labelled CLE$_4$ with the GFF. We characterise this coupling as a specific local set coupling, and show how to approximate these local sets. We further see how in these approximations the labels naturally encode distances to the boundary.


  • Two-valued local sets (TVS) of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field (GFF), denoted A−a,b, were introduced in [5]

  • TVS are tightly linked to the study of the 2D GFF: for λ = π/8 the set A−2λ,2λ describes the outer boundaries of the outermost sign clusters of the 2D GFF [9, 15], and Qian and Werner used A−λ,λ to couple the free boundary and zero boundary GFFs [16]

  • TVS appear naturally in other statistical physics models: for example it is known that CLE4 has√the law of A−2λ,2λ [11, 5] and it is conjectured that A−a,b with a + b = 2(1 + 2)λ should be the scaling limit of interfaces corresponding to the XOR-Ising model [25]

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Two-valued local sets (TVS) of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field (GFF), denoted A−a,b, were introduced in [5]. They are the two-dimensional analogue of the exit times. Two-valued sets of the 2D Gaussian free field from an interval [−a, b] by a standard Brownian motion They correspond to the set of points of the domain that can be connected to the boundary via a path on which the GFF takes values only in [−a, b]. We say that A is a local set of Γ if, conditionally on A, the law of Γ restricted to D\A is equal the sum of ΓA, a GFF in D\A, and a (conditionally) independent a random harmonic function hA defined in D\A. Whereas some of the connectivity properties we prove are directly related to versions of SLE4 processes, in [6] the authors study connectivity properties of the loops generated by a SLEκ process with κ ∈ (4, 8), using very different techniques from ours

An overview of results
Preliminaries on the Gaussian free field and local sets
Any local set can be coupled in a unique way with a given GFF
Level lines of the continuum GFF with piecewise boundary conditions
Basic properties of two-valued local sets
ALE as the closed union of level lines
Boundary touching of single loops
Level set percolation of the 2D continuum GFF
Connectivity properties for two-valued local sets
Measurability of labels for two-valued local sets
Labelled CLE4 and the approximate Lévy transforms
Labelled CLE4: definition and coupling with the GFF
Approximate Lévy transform
B0 has the law of labelled CLE4
CLE4 labels as distances to the boundary
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