
Mezraa Hoyuk is located north of Turkish-Syrian border on the east bank of Euphrates within the borders of Sanliurfa district, south of the modern town Birecik. The mound remains inside the Karkamis Dam reservoir impact area. On the summit of the mound ruins of two structures, partly disturbed by the Middle Age architectural layers, were recovered. These buildings date to the end of the 3rd millennium BC (Early Bronze Age III/IVA). Excavations showed that the buildings were abandoned following a sudden and severe destruction and were never rebuilt again. The location of these structures, their architectural planning and building techniques as well as the items, such as seals and rich ceramic repertoire allows us to interpret them as a building complex which probably belonged to a ruler of the whole region or the center itself. These findings constitute one of the earliest indicators of the existence of a prosperous class in Mezraa Hoyuk along with some social changes that begun in the region.

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