Multi-invariants dependent isotropic yield function in terms of first invariant I1 of stress tensor, second J2 and third J3 invariants of deviatoric stress tensor is required for accurate description of plasticity of polycrystalline solids. In the context of multi-invariants dependent multiplicative hyperelasto-plasticity, two integration schemes (IS-1 and IS-2) are formulated and their computational costs are compared for the first time in this paper. IS-1 is fully-implicit in which backward Euler difference approximation of equivalent plastic strain rate is coupled with the exponential approximation of return mapping in principal Kirchhoff stress space and accordingly principal Kirchhoff stresses, equivalent plastic strain and plastic Lagrange multiplier need to be updated iteratively. IS-2 is semi-implicit in which plastic Lagrange multiplier evaluated at current time step and semi-implicit forward Euler difference approximation of equivalent plastic strain rate is coupled with logarithmic approximation of return mapping in Kirchhoff stress space and accordingly only plastic Lagrange multiplier needs to be updated iteratively. For J2 dependent plasticity, computation time involved in numerical simulations for both the integration schemes is nearly the same for same accuracy. For IS-1, computation time involved in simulation for multi-invariants dependent plasticity is significantly greater than that for J2 dependent plasticity due to the computation of the Jacobian matrix in return mapping involving lengthy terms of second order partial derivatives of multi-invariants dependent yield function. For IS-2, computation time involved in simulation for multi-invariants dependent plasticity is nearly the same as that for J2 dependent plasticity. This is due to the fact that the computation of the Jacobian matrix in IS-2 is not required and return mapping involves only first partial derivatives of yield function. Thus, IS-2 is computationally cost effective than IS-1.
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