
During a previous study on microfungi associated with clematis roots, Penicillium-like fungi were isolated and identified based on morphology. In this study, we subjected those strains to a detailed examination which led to the proposal of two taxonomic novelties, named Rasamsonia chlamydospora and Talaromyces clematidis. The first taxon is characterized by rough-walled mycelium, acerose to flask shaped phialides, cylindrical conidia and by production of chlamydospore-like structures. The four-loci-based phylogeny analysis delineated the taxon as a taxonomic novelty in Rasamsonia. Talaromyces clematidis is characterized by restricted growth on Czapek yeast extract agar, dichloran 18% glycerol agar and yeast extract sucrose agar, and production of yellow ascomata on oatmeal agar. Phylogenetic analyses placed this taxon as a taxonomic novelty in Talaromyces sect. Bacillispori. Both taxa are introduced here with detailed descriptions, photoplates and information on their phylogenetic relationship with related species.

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