
We discuss two kinds of magnetic connection (MC) in the black hole (BH)accretion disc: the magnetic connection between the BH and thedisc (MCHD) and that between the plunging region and the disc(MCPD). The magnetic field configuration is produced by anelectric current flowing at the inner edge of the disc. It turnsout that the transfer direction of energy and angular momentumdepends on the BH spin and a parameter λ for adjustingthe angular velocities of the plunging matter, which correspondsto at most five regions in the disc. The effect of MCPD results in amuch steeper emissivity than a standard accretion disc in the innerdisc, however it fails to reach the observation range 4.3–5.5 inseveral objects, such as Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-6-30-15, microquasars XTEJ1650-500 and GX 399-4.

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