
This paper proposes a new two-dimensional (2D) actuation method for a microrobot thatuses a stationary two-pair coil system. The coil system actuates the microrobot bycontrolling the magnitude and direction of the external magnetic flux. The actuation of themicrorobot consists of an alignment to the desired direction and a linear movement of themicrorobot by non-contact electromagnetic actuation. Firstly, the actuation mechanism ofthe stationary coil system is theoretically derived and analyzed. Secondly, the tendency ofthe magnetic flux in the coil system are analyzed and compared by preliminary theoreticalanalysis. Through various locomotive experiments of the microrobot, the performance ofthe electromagnetic actuation by the proposed stationary two-pair coil system is evaluated.Using the proposed 2D actuation method, the microrobot is aligned to the desireddirection by Helmholtz coils and is driven to the aligned direction by Maxwell coils.By the successive current control of the coil system, the microrobot can movealong a desired path, such as a rectangular-shaped or a diamond-shaped path.

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