
Intestinal duplication cyst (IDC) is a rare congenital anomaly where there is an abnormal portion of intestine attached to or intrinsic with the normal bowel. This condition was first reported in 1733 by Calderin followed by Fitz in 1884 and finally popularized by Ladd in 1937. This study described two cases with different presentations of IDC. The first one was a 6-month-old female presented with bleeding per rectum for 2 days. The second one was a 7-year-old boy presented with constipation for 3 years and abdominal swelling in the last 3 months. Both cases were investigated clinically and radiologically and showed different findings. Laparotomy was performed for both cases and the diagnosis of IDC was made, and the management was achieved by resection with primary anastomosis for both cases. The cyst was located at jejunoileal in the first case, and in the second case, it was found in the distal descending and sigmoid colon – both were communicating and tubular type.

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