We evaluate in the framework of QCD factorization the two-loop vertex corrections to the decays $\bar{B}_{(s)}\to D_{(s)}^{(\ast)+} \, L^-$ and $\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c^+ \, L^-$, where $L$ is a light meson from the set $\{\pi,\rho,K^{(\ast)},a_1\}$. These decays are paradigms of the QCD factorization approach since only the colour-allowed tree amplitude contributes at leading power. Hence they are sensitive to the size of power corrections once their leading-power perturbative expansion is under control. Here we compute the two-loop ${\cal O}(\alpha_s^2)$ correction to the leading-power hard scattering kernels, and give the results for the convoluted kernels almost completely analytically. Our newly computed contribution amounts to a positive shift of the magnitude of the tree amplitude by $\sim 2$\%. We then perform an extensive phenomenological analysis to NNLO in QCD factorization, using the most recent values for non-perturbative input parameters. Given the fact that the NNLO perturbative correction and updated values for form factors increase the theory prediction for branching ratios, while experimental central values have at the same time decreased, we reanalyze the role and potential size of power corrections by means of appropriately chosen ratios of decay channels.
Decays have been published and further analyses are ongoing
We evaluate in the framework of QCD factorization the two-loop vertex corrections to the decays B(s) → D((s∗))+ L− and Λb → Λ+c L−, where L is a light meson from the set {π, ρ, K(∗), a1}
We present in table 2 our predictions for the branching ratios of these decays through to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO)
We work in the effective five-flavour theory where the top quark, the heavy gauge bosons W ±, Z0 and the Higgs boson are integrated out and their effects are absorbed into shortdistance Wilson coefficients. + C2Q2) + h.c. We restrict our notation to the case of a b → cud transition. The local current-current operators in the Chetyrkin-Misiak-Munz (CMM) basis [39, 40] read. As the computation will be performed in dimensional regularization, we have to augment our physical operators Q1,2 by a set of evanescent operators, for which we adopt the convention [41, 42]. E2(2) = cγμγν γργσγλ(1 − γ5)b dγμγν γργσγλ(1 − γ5)u − 20E2(1) − 256Q2. These unphysical operators vanish in D = 4 dimensions but contribute if D = 4 since they mix under renormalization with the physical operators. At two-loop accuracy the set of operators (2.2)–(2.7) closes under renormalization
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