
Twisted Morava K-theory, along with computational techniques, including a universal coefficient theorem and an Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, was introduced by Craig Westerland and the first author. We employ these techniques to compute twisted Morava K-theory of all connective covers of the stable orthogonal group and stable unitary group, and their classifying spaces, as well as spheres and Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. This extends to the twisted case some of the results of Ravenel and Wilson and of Kitchloo, Laures, and Wilson for Morava K-theory. This also generalizes to all chromatic levels computations by Khorami (and in part those of Douglas) at chromatic level one, i.e. for the case of twisted K-theory. We establish that for natural twists in all cases, there are only two possibilities: either that the twisted Morava homology vanishes, or that it is isomorphic to untwisted homology. We also provide a variant on the twist of Morava K-theory, with mod 2 cohomology in place of integral cohomology.

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