
The chiral de Rham complex of Malikov, Schechtman, and Vaintrob, is a sheaf of differential graded vertex algebras that exists on any smooth manifold $Z$, and contains the ordinary de Rham complex at weight zero. Given a closed 3-form $H$ on $Z$, we construct the twisted chiral de Rham differential $D_H$, which coincides with the ordinary twisted differential in weight zero. We show that its cohomology vanishes in positive weight and coincides with the ordinary twisted cohomology in weight zero. As a consequence, we propose that in a background flux, Ramond-Ramond fields can be interpreted as $D_H$-closed elements of the chiral de Rham complex. Given a T-dual pair of principal circle bundles $Z, \widehat{Z}$ with fluxes $H, \widehat{H}$, we establish a degree-shifting linear isomorphism between a central quotient of the $i \mathbb{R}[t]$-invariant chiral de Rham complexes of $Z$ and $\widehat{Z}$. At weight zero, it restricts to the usual isomorphism of $S^1$-invariant differential forms, and induces the usual isomorphism in twisted cohomology. This is interpreted as T-duality in type II string theory from a loop space perspective. A key ingredient in defining this isomorphism is the language of Courant algebroids, which clarifies the notion of functoriality of the chiral de Rham complex.

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