
In the course of the long history of journalism, its development and transformation, certain rules for writing a news story have developed. It should not include argumentation or personal view of the reporter, but only facts. These rules have existed for many years in the history of journalism and are valid today. However, since the 1980s of the 20-th century, a transformation in the presentation of news began, as the audience was tired of complex and “heavy” topics. Television producers realized that viewers wanted simple, accessible, and entertaining information. This is how the concept of “infotainment” (news as entertainment) originated. The materials differ in language style, the behavior of a journalist or presenter in the frame, a manner of shooting and an increase in the number of various graphic elements. To date, news TV programs in a digital multi-channel multiplatform environment cannot compete with the blogosphere. Therefore, news is increasingly adapting to this format. The study examined the opinions of Russian and foreign researchers on the development of infotainment on television. Using a systematic method, the author analyzed the changes that have taken place in the television news of Russian and western broadcast programming. We studied the news programs of the «Channel One», «Russia 1», «Moscow 24», «360°», «CBS», «NBC» and «TF 1». The author found that the number of infotainment elements in television news is increasing every year. TV channels choose the means of infotainment depending on their audience and financial capabilities. At present, there are no boundaries for the introduction of more and more new forms of informing and entertaining viewers.

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