
The Turrid whelk Phymorhynchus buccinoides aggregates Okutani, Fujikura & Sasaki on only four out- crops in a grey and black sediment area (25 m 2 ) at a depth of 1180 m at the Off Hatsushima Island seep site, Sagami Bay, Japan. To determine the food web structure of the deep-sea chemosynthesis-based community, we conducted the dietary food habits of the whelk by a combination of in situ behavioral observations, stable isotope compositions, sym- biotic bacteria in their soft part body parts, in situ bait trap experiments, and anatomic examinations. The whelks had a d 13 C value similar to that of the mytilid mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons Hashimoto & Okutani, no symbiotic bacteria, and very small radula (probably useless). In bait trap experiments, the whelk swarmed toward crushed B. platifrons. These results strongly suggest that P. buccinoides feeds on B. platifrons. The ecological niche of the whelk is that of a carnivore or scavenger. B. platifrons was distributed on other outcrops at this seep site, but P. buccinoides did not occur elsewhere. Thus, the distribution pattern of this whelk is not determined solely by its dietary habits.

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