
The article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of Turkish translations of Shakespeare's poetry and dramaturgy, the formation of a holistic picture of the stages of discovery of Shakespeare by the Turks. The aim of the study is to identify and present the main points related to the transfer of Shakespeare's word into Turkish culture through translations from European languages. The proposed study is focused on translation aspects, as translation has become the first link in the dialogue between English and Turkish literature during the contact and interaction of Turkish literature with the Western, the processes of familiarization of the Shakespeare with the Turks, the perception and reproduction of Shakespeare's creativity on Turkish soil. In this study we used such methods as the cultural-historical method, which focuses on the translation of Shakespeare's works in relation to the cultural-historical development of Turkish society; a comparative method aimed at comparing the original sonnets and dramas of Shakespeare with translations into Turkish; receptive-aesthetic method, focused on focusing on how the pictorial and expressive artistic means of Shakespeare's works in Turkish translations are projected on the recipient (reader), convey to him the author's idea. Particular attention is focused on the translation analysis of some sonnets and dramas. Working with factual material revealed the basic prerequisites for entry into the Turkish literature of Shakespeare's works (Divan literature, the period of reforms), made it possible to characterize the first stage of translation studies – namely, the translation of Shakespeare through the prism of the French language, and accordingly the translation from the French language. As a result, we conclude that no artistic translation, especially poetic one, can be definitive, since there are always unrealized reserves of the original hidden in the multifacetedness of its associative relations. And each translation is only a certain link, the voicing of voices in the process of functioning of the artistic image. This can be explained by the considerable number of translations in Turkish of both the poetic and dramatic works of Shakespeare from the second half of the 19th century to the present. Also the great potential of the Turkish youth in the translation field has been revealed, which is certainly facilitated by the popularity of English and literature in higher education. institutions.

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