
Abstract Turkey and Indonesia are both members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a group of 57 Muslim-populated countries, and the D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation, a group of Muslim-majority states, but their respective Constitutions do not give preference to the Islamic faith. While developing relations as part of the Muslim world, Turkey and Indonesia are also members of the G20, an organization of countries with some of the most important economies as well as mikta, a less formal group of middle powers in the G20 to deal with matters of common interest designed to enhance their soft power vis-à-vis the political dominance of major world and other regional powers. In addition, the founding fathers of modern Indonesia in their struggle for independence against the colonial power of the Netherlands following the Second World War found inspiration in the actions of founding father of the Republic of Turkey following the First World War. Yet despite all these connections and the importance of these two countries in world affairs, the study of the bilateral relations of Turkey and Indonesia and their interactions as part of multilateral organizations has been either neglected or extremely limited in coverage. This article attempts to ameliorate that situation.

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