
In this study, we experimentally analyzed the influence of turbulence and thermal-diffusional effect on the morphology and turbulent flame speed of premixed expanding flames. The turbulent flames of the n-decane/air and decalin/air mixtures were measured using a fan-stirred constant volume combustion bomb generating near-isotropic turbulence at elevated pressures (1, 2, and 5 bar), temperature (443 K), and a wide range of equivalence ratios (0.8–1.6). The results found that the wrinkling degree of the flame front was greater for Ma<0 compared to Ma>0. However, the distribution patterns of the curvature radius of the flame contours exhibited similarities across different equivalence ratios. Furthermore, an increase in turbulence intensity would aggravate the randomness of flame contour distribution. The turbulent expanding flames of n-decane/air and decalin/air mixtures were self-similar under different turbulence intensities and pressures, and this self-similar propagation followed a correlation between the normalized turbulent flame speed and the turbulent flame Reynolds number (ReT,f) to the one-half power. The similarity in normalized turbulent flame speeds was extended from normal alkanes (C4-C8) and isomeric alkanes (C8, C16) to longer straight-chain alkane (n-decane) and cycloalkane (decalin). As the increase of equivalence ratio, their normalized turbulent flame speeds increased nonlinearly due to the thermal-diffusional effect. Additionally, it was found that the classical, effective, and experimental Lewis numbers were confirmed as unsuitable parameters for characterizing the role of thermal-diffusional effect on the turbulent flame speed for hydrocarbon fuels with large molecular weight. Finally, two possible unified correlations were proposed based on the Markstein number, (d〈r〉/dt)/(σSL)=0.178e−0.231MaReT,f1/2 and (d〈r〉/dt)/(σSL)=(0.170−0.0447Ma+0.0067Ma2)ReT,f1/2, which could predict the turbulent flame speeds of hydrocarbon fuels with large molecular weight such as n-alkanes, iso-alkanes, and decalin.

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