
The photoluminescence (PL) behavior of antiferroelectric liquid crystals (AFLC), namely W1000, doped ZnS nanoflakes has been studied extensively. PL intensity of ZnS nanoflakes has been enhanced due to the doping of liquid crystals molecules and the enhancement has been depended on the concentration of doped AFLC molecules. The broadness of PL emission band of ZnS nanoflakes is increased in presence of liquid crystals. Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of ZnS nanoflakes is changed from 31.2nm to 44.7nm in presence of liquid crystals molecules. A red shift is observed in emission spectra of AFLC molecules doped ZnS nanoflakes. The PL emission peak of ZnS nanoflakes is observed at 426.5nm which is shifted to 431.9nm in presence of AFLC molecules. Two distinct PL emission peaks for ZnS nanoflakes and AFLC have been well separated due to the doping of higher concentration of AFLC molecules.

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